Friday, 11 May 2012

Folksy Friday - Woodland Wonders

I get my keys, I get my keys, I get my keys today! That's for my first house if you don't already know!

I adore wildlife and the location of my house is simply wonderful for wildlife watching. Not woodland, but riverside and outlooking onto a large field.

I would love at least one room to have a woodland feature about it.  This would not only represent my love of animals, but also nature in general, hence my theme for today!

 Here are a few of my folksy favourites for Woodland Wonders, however it was exceptionally hard to limit my list of finds!

I know, I know, there's still a lot of finds there, but in my defence it was exceptionally hard to narrow it down!

Hope you like my discoveries AND I found many new shops too! Now favourite shops of course!

Have a fantastic day!


  1. Such a sweet selection, finding it hard to choose a favourite! (although the toadstool tea cosy is coming close!) :)

    Leanne x x

  2. Great collection and congrats on your new house! When we get our own place (finally ;) I would love a Woodland Room too!

  3. Really like them all. That mirror frame is amazing.

  4. Thanks everyone, Jo when I saw the mirror I was blown away, it is amazing!!

    @Cat - Aww yay a fellow woodland room-er :P

    @Leanne - Toadstool is exceptionally cute! That shop has a cute Teeshirt in it too!


  5. Super choices. Love the cushions. Congratulations on getting your own house - have fun today :-)

  6. A fantastic selection- lets hope you've been saving hard!
    Enjoy your new home :)
    Louisa x

  7. congratulations on moving in to your first place - how exciting!!! it sounds like you've found a wonderful spot :)

    great Folksy pics - that badger plate is fantastic! i love woodlandy thing too :) your room sounds like a great idea! x

  8. I love the badger plate and toadstool tea cosy!!! A really lovely selection!

    I love woodlands too - we have a herd of deer near our house and I love it when I catch sight of them!


  9. Congratulations on the new house!

  10. Love that badger plate, and congratulations on your new house:)
    crow cottage

  11. Lovely woodland choices, i think the bunting is my favourite.

    Congrats on getting the keys to your new home. :) x
